the murderer of Bruno!

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[Deutsch hier/German here]

Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law – No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment OUR HUMAN RIGHTS


We act in self-defence to shelter health & life of Bruno!


Therefore we name all person, doesn’t matter of murderer or just informed about this euthanasia of a disabled!

Everyone refuse a human food, diabetic treatment or know about, is a criminal against humanity and murderer!

We offered meetings, proved the lies of the authorities, claimed for access to justice, HUMAN RIGHTS,…. often, but were ignored – so this is last possibility to record all and keep fingers crossed that someone can and will give aid, support, food, medicine,… and HUMAN RIGHTS!


deutsch bitte runterscrollen, ca. Seitenmitte – oder hier auf eigener Seite [klicken] * Dokumentation Verbrecher gegen Menschenrechte * Vergleichstabelle Verbrecher gegen Menschenrechte und die gegen Bruno


self-defence – and what criminals against human rights can do:

1. they immediately start aid, counselling and public investigation – after years

2. they send CID and special troops bring him to prison or slaughter Bruno finally – as before arrest, carryover, suspending in order of politician – not legal, but no investigation!

3. they run to court make trouble e.g. links to their data and start next mistreating of Bruno  – try to find us (greetings from UK and ICE)

Question; has anyone an idea how the murderer can explain that they run to court to claim for hush up the truth instead do their work and help Bruno?

4. they arrest Bruno again without warrant, or wait until he was drowned under shower


When Bruno wanted sufficient food, drugs, Mrs. Muenzer (Head of Social Services) beeped “You get a little bit.” and ignored each request for enough food, aid,…. human rights. Prime minister Kretschmann GREEN legalized that refusal of food, diabetic treatment by authorities/politicians is no attempt murder and ‘if you have no food, send anyone to charity‘- this is mistreatment against all laws, supported by CEO’s, politicians, justice,…..


NEWS: No help, no food – this is because the CID/special troops came in order of a M, which feels offended, because we have asked for human rights and German constituion! For this, the MP has not even used one week. While Bruno is generally denied the ACCESS TO JUSTICE (against UN CRPD Article 13th /German Federal Law) – since years – no answer by state & federal attorney!

What better proof of disability discrimination, arrogance, ignorance, infinite stupidity of German politicians and crimes against human rights – as in Nazi era?


concentration camp prisoner number in NAZI era and today


(list below continues)

Bild1beforeskindisease 50Bild2startskindisease 50

Fundamental question: What do you call persons which refuse people eating, diabetes treatment or order that or know about it?

We call them criminals of human rights and murderers!

Att: Feb 2013 the doctor had double kidney drugs and said ‘in five years, your ship has sailed‘  – all politicians & bureaukrauts  were informed and doubled power to slaughter Bruno! 

NO ONE did phone Bruno! They wait and kill!

at the moment we send e-mail to all MP of state parliament of Baden-Wuerttemberg and claimed for food, investigation and HUMAN RIGHTS for Bruno – expect nothing, so we get prepared had to publish THESE ARE THE MURDERER OF BRUNO – THESE German MP SUPPORT EUTHANASIA! All MP and state government was informed about this and other documentation.

profile of all state MP

data of all state MP


contact data of Bruno for aid & care & information

all is helpful, thank you

Bruno Schillinger – Bachstrasse 1 (street) – 779232 (zip) – March-Holzhausen (village) – GERMANY – ph 0049-(0)7665-930450

Please only phone/call with Bruno Schillinger. Because he can’t read itself at present by the ill-treatment by ARGE / District Office / Social Court and we are not on site! Authorities and politicians refuse any other aid, e.g. reading loud machine or other technical support!

created/published  by SAFOB UK & ICE

with kindly allowance of state government, which was informed from first idea, about month


– some pictures

– black list (English & German German moved to HERE)

– Crime Against Humanity – compare list

– Bruno’s CRY FOR LIFE

– text for spreading ‘We ask for your aid, support!’ (Wir bitten um eure Hilfe)

– excerpt of basic constituon of the German political parties CDU – GREEN – SPD

– links to prime minister, down to village mayor

– link list to member of state parliament of Baden-Wuerttemberg

– all members of German parliament (Bundestag)  –

Gernot Erler local MP – SPD – has promised aid for next week (Fax date was 13/Nov/2009 – today 25/June/2013) [his  website]

– link list to members of Euorpean parliament [asap]

– external links

– expired donation page with detailed medical descriptions,…. for a quick overview

– documentation: Bruno, The Prisoner In The Dark! [next]

– German main page where all is published since years – incl. names – without any complaint by criminals



Loosing teeth, one consequence of food deficiency

Dscf1643part Dscf1690part

DSCF0454x part DSCF0458 part DSCF0504x part

ear – skin burn after opened shutter * leg bleeding * skin after burn

additional hearth problems, diabetic foot, eye problems, kidney damage, skin disease,  backbone stiffens, huge hurt (no drugs allowed by kidney damage), all treatment options exhausted, no diabetic controll, ect.

Meanwhile teeth broken parts not removed – huge pain – no fare, no treatment



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Addendum to District Office Breisgau Black Forest

NO employee accepted, entitled the state constitution , the German Basic Law , human rights, the UN Disability Convention (CRPD)

all know how people with disabilities refused social aid and the basic rights and human rights!


List of employees


Add to Regional Council of Freiburg

Department president Werner Hoffmann (Abteilungspraesident)

ph 0049 (0) 761 208-4633 E-Mail:

Excerpt Responsibilities: …….. In social work, the Department promoted 23 in the social sector in addition to the legal supervision of the social and youth services and the technical supervision of the lower administrative authorities in carrying out social and national laws , institutions and activities …. end of excerpt

But why he refuses to work ? Why no investigation ? Why did he send Bruno to work through private charitable organizations for the laws and then to apply the necessary to the authorities. What an outrage and with full payment by all citizens! Are such official still parasites or crimes against human rights or simply a disgrace to all other professionals?

He is aware of everything he said, but he refuses to listen to the victim and thus at least to hear the other side. But this is dangerous because the government Bureau can lie and cheat by District Office , etc. and as you can see , he refuses to own work assignments . Why he did not , as required eingeschaltetet the regulators ? Why is he even legalized the relaunched by his government director Menzemer euthanasia ?

(c) pic by link to (link to page above)


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MP slaugther disabled Bruno final English

will continued with members of Federal Parliament of Germany

link to MP website []

Human Rights Arial http frame


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MP slaugther disabled Bruno final German

Human Rights Dungeon German http frame



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text for spreading ‘We ask for your aid, support!’ (Wir bitten um eure Hilfe)

We ask for your aid, support!

Listen world, Bruno’s cry for life and truth!

He has to live without daylight, does not have sufficient food, or drugs – daylight causes skin burns, pain, skin cancer. Kidney damaged by government mistreatment.

Government denies food, medicine, medical treatment, human rights, access to justice (UN CRPD art. 13), and any investigation.

Bruno is being blackmailed ‘diabetes treatment if you accept the incapacitation/disenfranchisement’.


Bruno is not the only victim of this inhuman authorities, government.

A doctor said him “their ship is sailed in 5 years” (Feb/2013), but government continues  mistreatment, terror against him, so Bruno has to ask public for help, support, and his life, worldwide.

Our proposal, ideas, wishes, etc.:

1. Protection by public and hopefully enough food, medicine, etc. and at last human rights

2. Fleeing abroad – preferably UK – Two reasons: Research Centre for skin disease, and as Bruno worked in the UK, he felt at home / familial (some of us, SAFOB, are also there)

3. Lawyer to sue Germany for compensation for all costs so that the new home country has no damage.

We thank all those who help and document. Everything is helpful!

Inform and ask charities, MPs to support (maybe even Prime Minister David Cameron personally), or send this ‘cry for life’ on.

Thank you for everything from the depth of our hearts.

Together we can enforce human rights.

the murderer of Bruno!

Please only phone/call 0049(0)7665-930450 with Bruno Schillinger. Because he can’t  read itself at present by the ill-treatment by ARGE / District Office / Social Court and we are not on site! The authorities denied any assistance, no reading loud machine, or any counselling!

 in German 

Wir bitten um eure Hilfe.

Brunos Schrei nach Leben und Wahrheit!

Er muss ohne Tageslicht leben, hat nicht genug Essen, oder Medikamente – Tageslicht verursacht Hautverbrennungen, Schmerzen, Hautkrebs. Die Nieren sind durch Regierung, Behörden geschädigt worden.

Die Regierung verweigert Essen, Medikamente, med. Behandlung, Menschenrechte. ‘Zugang zur Justiz’ UN Behindertenrechtskonvention/Bundesgesetz und jede Untersuchung.

Bruno wird erpresst ‘Diabetesbehandlung wenn Sie die Entmündigung akzeptieren’.

Nein, niemals, keine Kapitulation!

Bruno ist nicht das einzige Opfer dieser menschenverachtenden Behörden, Regierung.

Ein Arzt sagte ihm “ihr Zug ist in 5 Jahren endgültig abgefahren” (Feb/2013), trotzdem geht der Regierungsterror gegen ihn weiter. Deshalb bittet Bruno nun öffentlich um Hilfe, Unterstützung und sein Leben, weltweit.

Unsere Vorschläge, Ideen, etc.

1. Schutz durch Öffentlichkeit und so hoffentlich ausreichend Essen, Medikamente, etc. und vor allem Menschenrechte

2. Flucht ins Ausland – UK bevorzugt – Zwei Gründe: Forschungszentrum für Hautkrankheit und als Bruno in UK arbeitete, fühlte er sich heimisch/familiär (einige von uns, SAFOB, sind auch da)

3. Anwalt um Deutschland zum Ersatz aller Kosten zu verklagen, damit das neue Heimatland keinen Schaden hat.

Wir bedanken uns bei allen, die helfen und dokumentieren. Alles ist hilfreich!

Informiert und bittet Hilfsorganisationen, Abgeordnete um Unterstützung (vielleicht auch Premierminister David Cameron persönlich), oder sendet diesen ‘cry for life’ weiter.

Danke für alles.

Zusammen können wir die Menschenrechte durchsetzen.

Bitte nur telefonisch (0049(0)7665-930450) mit Bruno Schillinger in Verbindung setzen. Denn lesen kann er z.Zt. durch die Misshandlungen der ARGE/Sozialamt/Sozialgericht selbst nicht und wir sind nicht vor Ort. Dem ihm wird die mögliche Hilfe, technischer oder anderweitig (z.B. Lesegerät), durch die Behörden verweigert!


excerpt of basic constituon of German political parties CDU – GREEN – SPD

SPD  ‘‘Committed to People, in the proud tradition of democratic socialism, … For a free, fair and caring society. For equal rights and self determination of all people – regardless of race and gender, free from poverty, exploitation and fear ‘.

GREEN PartyThe focus of our policy of human being with his dignity and his freedom. The inviolability of human dignity is our starting point. It is the core of our vision of self-determination and advocacy for the weakest’.

CDU-Christian Democratic UnionThe dignity of man – even of the unborn and the dying – is inviolable‘. Special thanks to German Chancellor and CEO of CDU Mrs. Angela Merkel, which send this sentence in an answering e-,ail. Problem: when we say it to other CDU members, they run away…….


links to prime minister, down to village mayor

Prime Minister / Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann GREEN/GRÜNE

Alle Abgeordneten des Landtages von Baden-Württemberg


District Council / Landratsamt Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald (Black Forrest)

District Administrator / Landrätin Mrs. Störr-Ritter


Village / Gemeinde March

Mayor / Bürgermeister Mr. Josef Hügeleürgermeister

village head / Ortsvorsteher Mr. Martin Kopfmann



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